Mindful Wing Chun Online – Ip Man Lineage

An in-depth look into Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin’s (Bruce Lee’s senior classmate) unique method of Wing Chun

Ready to begin learning?

Start your Wing Chun journey with Nima King at Mindful Wing Chun.


This set of videos has been hand-picked by Sifu Nima King from Mindful Wing Chun Online to give you an in-depth look into Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin’s internal method of Wing Chun Kung Fu.

Please note that this Wing Chun method is fundamentally unique because it delves deep into the traditional method of Kung Fu practice, which leads to developing enormous power through the tools of relaxationmindfulness, and perfect biomechanics

These videos will make you understand that authentic Kung Fu is not just about copying external movements and that there is an infinite depth to it. It will give you insight as to why the Martial/Self-defense aspect of the art is merely a branch on the tree of benefits that this beautiful and genuine art has to offer.

The only issue is that you may get very intrigued and become hooked to this method, as has been the case for many thousands of students and teachers who have come in contact with Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin and Sifu Nima King in the past decades and have transformed their lives through the powerful and mindful practice!


  • An open mind and willingness to delve deep into the realm of internal Wing Chun Kungfu.
  • The ability to listen and follow instructions.
  • Willingness to take the time needed to progress and be patient.
  • Be prepared to get addicted because this method of practice is like no other!

Who this course is for:

  • Mindfulness enthusiasts.
  • Martial artists.
  • Meditators.
  • Body mechanics and those wanting to improve their posture.

What you’ll learn:

  • Mindfulness.
  • Meditation.
  • Relaxation.
  • Martial Arts.
  • Wing Chun.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?
Lifetime access to the course costs only $49.99 USD, a one-time payment.

How many videos are in the course?
There are 25 video lessons with in-depth insights on Mindful Wing Chun.

Can I watch the videos on all of my devices?
Yes, the website is fully responsive, meaning that you can watch all of the videos on all devices; including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

How can I pay?
We accept Paypal and all major Credit / Debit cards. All payments made on the site are secure, encrypted, and protected.

Will I get instant access to the videos?
Yes, once your payment has been processed, you will get instant access to all of the videos in the course.

The course includes over 6-hours of on-demand video with in-depth instruction on Mindful Wing Chun:

  1. Welcome to Mindful Wing Chun
  2. An Introduction to 'Siu Nim Tao'
  3. Summarising Correct Posture
  4. Learning the sequence of 'Siu Nim Tao'
  5. The Shape and Positions of Siu Nim Tao's Movements in Section 1
  6. The Five Principles of Mindful Wing Chun - Part 1
  7. The Five Principles of Mindful Wing Chun - Part 2
  8. Training Tips A Calm & Balanced State of Mind - Part 1
  9. Advantages of the Wing Chun Stance
  10. Summarising the Wing Chun Guard
  11. Using the Laws of Mechanics in Wing Chun
  12. The concept of Joint Rotation
  13. Punch with a Parry vs. a Guard on the Centreline
  14. Hook Punches and Uppercuts
  15. Snap Kick followed by a Heel Kick on Pad
  16. Basic Counters to Arm-grabs
  17. Four Corner Deflection in Sequence
  18. Heel Kicks vs. Three Different Types of Kicks
  19. Summarising the Steps in Chi Sau
  20. The Sequence and Shapes of Single Sticking Hands
  21. An Introduction to Pressure Testing the 'Siu Nim Tao' Movements
  22. Siu Nim Tao Power Generation in Section One - Start Pose (Part 1)
  23. The Health Benefits of Wing Chun
  24. Explaining Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin Videos
  25. Thank You and the Next Step
  26. Further Your Training

About Instructor

Nima King

Full time Wing Chun instructor and founder of Mindful Wing Chun

3 Courses

Not Enrolled
49.99 USD

Course Includes

  • 26 Lessons

Ratings and Reviews

Avg. Rating
9 Ratings
What's your experience? We'd love to know!
Chris White
Posted 2 months ago
Yip, good course, pricey i thought tho.

Yes, a good course, a different slant if you like on what usually consists of wing chun.

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Connie Wyckoff
Posted 11 months ago
Excellent content.

I found this course to be very informative and well put together.

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Éd Ferreira
Posted 3 years ago

Still watching but until now, seeing that is a very valuable course with deep insights about the practice.

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Kenneth Klotzback
Posted 3 years ago

Exellent course, set and excellent foundation to continue.

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Richard Flowers
Posted 3 years ago
Mindful Wing Chun

Excellent content. Navigating the site can be frustrating. Maybe that’s part of slowing down and becoming mindful. Definitely recommend course and I plan on exploring other courses on the theMartialMan website in the near future

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Rae Tan
Posted 3 years ago
The limitless power of mindful relaxation!

Excellent introduction to the internal world of Wing Chun. Sifu Nima has handpicked some of the best videos to explain the utmost importance of mindful relaxation and joint rotation. Despite the short course, it is intense and Sifu Nima shares many important fundamentals and principles of the CST system. I enjoy the videos thoroughly and learn quite alot from this course. Thank you.

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Tyson Ray
Posted 4 years ago
Well worth the investment

I found this course to be very informative and well put together. Sifu King and his instructors/students in the videos do an excellent job of explaining the topics of the videos and i find it extremely important that they are not just accepting the techniques and are actually trying to apply them to show they work under pressure. I greatly enjoyed this intro course.

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Ahmed Mohammed Ibrahim
Posted 4 years ago
Thank you

I'm incredibly grateful that I found this website and this course. I want to thank Sifu Nima for this amazing mine course I learned a lot from him. and I want to thank the Martial Man for making this possible.

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Liam Doona
Posted 4 years ago
Excellent course and good value

I'm incredibly grateful that I found this website and this course. I can now continue learning Yip Man Wing Chun from the comfort of my home as I'm not able to attend any classes at the moment because of the lockdowns, so this course is a lifesaver. Nima is a good teacher and I feel like I'm right there in the classroom with him when watching the video lessons. Highly recommended!

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